Contents: The Economics of Negligence Rules by Christopher Bruce As a continuation of his series, Christopher Bruce expands on the use of economic analysis in tort law. He argues the economic approach can also be used to cast light on the development of the tort rules of negligence. Using Industry Growth Rates to Update Census […]
Read More...Month: September 1998
The MacCabe Judgment: Allowing the Use of Earnings Statistics for Males When Estimating the Future Income of a Female
In this article, Derek Aldridge explains how the MacCabe judgment is important from the economist’s view. What does the judgment imply about future cases involving injured or deceased females? There are many questions unanswered.
Read More...Timing, Turning Bad into Good
In this article Heber Smith sheds light on how to survive the markets with global events such as the Asian Crisis and the Russian meltdown. This article is of particular interest to holders of structured settlements.
Read More...Drawbacks to the Use of “Preliminary” Estimates
In this article, Dr. Thomas Ireland explains, in letter format, the dangers of relying on preliminary estimates. Dr. Ireland is a well-known economist and is involved in the assessment of personal injury damages.
Read More...Using Industry Growth Rates to Update Census Occupational Earnings Figures
In this article Kris Aksomitis discusses the method used to adjust average income figures derived from the Census from past dollars to today’s dollars. He compares average incomes taken from the 1996 Census with adjusted figures from the 1991 Census to illustrate the accuracy of these adjustments.
Read More...The Economics of Negligence Rules
As a continuation of his series, Christopher Bruce expands on the use of economic analysis in tort law. He argues the economic approach can also be used to cast light on the development of the tort rules of negligence.