Winter 1999 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 4, issue 4)

Contents: Fatal Accident Dependency Calculations by Derek Aldridge In this article Derek Aldridge examines the difference between using the sole- and cross-dependency approaches when estimating the loss of income dependency following a fatal accident. Chris Bruce wrote about this issue three years ago in the Expert Witness (Volume 1, Number 4). Derek’s article emphasises the […]


Recent Canadian Court Decisions Concerning the Impacts of Child Sexual Abuse on Earnings

In this article Christopher Bruce and Matthew Foss discuss the response of the courts to lawsuits for loss of income resulting from sexual abuse. This is the second part of an article that began in the previous Expert Witness – in which Matthew Foss reviewed the academic literature concerning the impact of sexual abuse on the victim’s psychological well-being, education, and earning capacity.


Fatal Accident Dependency Calculations

In this article Derek Aldridge examines the difference between using the sole- and cross-dependency approaches when estimating the loss of income dependency following a fatal accident. Chris Bruce wrote about this issue three years ago in the Expert Witness (Volume 1, Number 4). Derek’s article emphasises the specific differences between the calculations in the two different approaches.


Autumn 1999 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 4, issue 3)

Contents: The Current Status of Survival of Actions Act Claims by Christopher Bruce In this article Christopher Bruce discusses two trial court decisions concerning the method by which claims for loss of earnings are to be calculated under the Survival of Actions Act. He argues that, although these two decisions clarify many of the outstanding […]


Rates of Return to Advanced Education in Alberta

This article, by Kelly Rathje, is based on the thesis she wrote for her M.A. in economics from the University of Calgary. Her thesis concerns the costs and benefits of post-secondary education. In particular, she views education as an “investment” in oneself. The costs of that investment are tuition, books, and foregone income. The benefits are measured in terms of increased income. On this basis, she can compare the relative “rates of return on investment” for various types and levels of education.


Increased Earnings After Injury

In this article Michael Behr – a forensic economist from Northfield, Minnesota – asks whether or not an injured person has sustained a loss if the injury forces a change in occupation which produces higher income. He argues that any suggestion that injury is beneficial contradicts fundamental economic principles.


The Current Status of Survival of Actions Act Claims

In this article Christopher Bruce discusses two trial court decisions concerning the method by which claims for loss of earnings are to be calculated under the Survival of Actions Act. He argues that, although these two decisions clarify many of the outstanding issues in this area, a number of crucial problems remain unresolved.


The Calculation of Damages in Sexual Abuse Cases

In this article Matthew Foss offers a brief review of the academic literature concerning the impact of sexual abuse on the victim’s psychological well-being, education, and earning capacity. This is the first of a two article series. The second part, to be published in the next issue of the Expert Witness, will discuss the response of the courts to these lawsuits.


Summer 1999 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 4, issue 2)

Contents: Advice for Experts Facing Cross-Examination by Steve Babitsky and James Mangraviti, Jr. This article was written by Steve Babitsky and James Mangraviti, Jr. of SEAK Inc., a consulting firm in Massachusetts. Their article contains some excellent advice for experts who are testifying in court. The Role of Expert Evidence by Christopher Bruce In this […]


Spring 1999 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 4, issue 1)

Contents: Issues Arising in the Calculation of Damages under the Survival of Actions Act (Part 2) by Scott Beesley This is a continuation of a previous article by Scott Beesley concerning some issues that arise in assessing claims under the Survival of Actions Act. He now discusses the methodology of the calculation, the connection between […]


Issues Arising in the Calculation of Damages under the Survival of Actions Act (Part 2)

This is a continuation of a previous article by Scott Beesley concerning some issues that arise in assessing claims under the Survival of Actions Act. He now discusses the methodology of the calculation, the connection between Survival of Actions Act and the Fatal Accidents Act, and the recent decisions in Brooks v. Stefura and Duncan itself.