The article is an addendum to Christopher Bruce’s The Impact of the “Net Income” Provisions of the Insurance Amendment Act, 2003. It shows how to download Tables on Diskette (TOD), a software program provided free of charge by the Canada Revenue Agency. It also discusses how law firms can use this calculator to determine income taxes in litigation purposes.
Read More...Category: Reviews, books and software
Software Review: Personal Injury Damages Partner (Carswell)
In this article Derek Aldridge reviews a CD ROM titled Personal Injury Damages Partner, available from Carswell. The CD contains a searchable collection of full text and digest summaries of personal injury cases.
Read More...BOOK REVIEW: The Expert: A Practitioner’s Guide, (Carswell) 1997
Christopher Bruce reviews this collection of 27 essays concerning expert testimony, each essay having been written by one or more experts in the relevant discipline. The purpose of the book, according to the foreword, is to provide trial lawyers with a basic understanding of both “… the role of the expert in the legal process … [and] … the fundamental concepts of the discipline within which the expert operates.”.
Read More...BOOK REVIEW: John Barnes, Sports and the Law in Canada, 3rd Edition (Butterworths: Toronto) 1996
In this article Cristropher Bruce reviews a book that examines the state of sports law in Canada.