Factors that Influence Retirement

In this article, Derek Aldridge summarises recent research from Statistics Canada concerning factors that influence retirement. He finds support for an assumption that is often made in expert reports: that a plaintiff with substantial residual deficits will likely retire earlier than he or she would have in the absence of the accident.


Death and Retirement: Allowing for Uncertainty

In this article Christopher Bruce explains how experts deal with situations in which there is uncertainty about the plaintiff’s future income path – such as when it is not known whether the plaintiff will recover from his or her injuries. He also comments on an error that experts often make when dealing with such uncertainty.


Complementarity in the Retirement Behaviour of Older Married Couples: An Update

In this article Daryck Riddell and Christopher Bruce examine the tendency of workers to make their retirement decisions based on the retirement decisions of their spouses. That is, if a 57 year-old woman’s husband has already retired, that could indicate that she will retire earlier than would otherwise have been predicted. Mr. Riddell and Dr. Bruce report on three hypotheses concerning the likelihood that the retirement ages of spouses will be correlated.