The Discount Rate Revisited (Summer 2006)

In this article Derek Aldridge reports on our latest survey of discount rates, and outlines the revisions we have made to our standard assumptions. We conclude that some small changes to our short-term discount rate assumption are warranted, though we have not changed our assumptions concerning long-term rates. The overall impact on our calculations will be negligible in most cases.


The Cost of Household Services, Alberta, 2006: A Survey

The article reports the results of a survey we conducted in late 2005 and early 2006. We obtained housecleaning, handyman, landscaping and snow removal, child care, and home care/meal preparation rates from a large sample of agencies and individuals in both Calgary and Edmonton, and housecleaning rates for smaller samples in Lethbridge, Grande Prairie, and Red Deer. In the article we present our findings and explain how we will apply these results in our calculations.


Summer 2006 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 11, issue 2)

Contents: The Cost of Household Services, Alberta, 2006: A Survey by Christopher Bruce and Amelia Lamb The article reports the results of a survey we conducted in late 2005 and early 2006. We obtained housecleaning, handyman, landscaping and snow removal, child care, and home care/meal preparation rates from a large sample of agencies and individuals […]


Spring 2006 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 11, issue 1)

Contents: Estimating non-discriminatory lifetime earnings for young females by Christopher Bruce and Kelly Rathje This articles examines the sources of male/female earnings differentials that might arise from differences between the sexes in labour force participation rates, part-time hours, and retirement ages. It concludes that, even in the absence of labour market discrimination, women may earn […]


Estimating non-discriminatory lifetime earnings for young females

This articles examines the sources of male/female earnings differentials that might arise from differences between the sexes in labour force participation rates, part-time hours, and retirement ages. It concludes that, even in the absence of labour market discrimination, women may earn 25 to 35 percent less than men.