Autumn 1996 issue of the Expert Witness newsletter (volume 1, issue 3)


  • Damage Calculations in Fatal Accident Actions After Galand
    • by Christopher Bruce
    • This article is Christopher Bruce’s second of two reports on the ramifications of the Alberta Court of Appeal decision in Galand Estate v. Stewart. The article in this issue considers the implications of Galand for the calculation of damages.
  • Employment of Persons With Disabilities: The Employment Equity Act 1986 to 1996
    • by Gordon C.M. Wallace and Gail M. Currie
    • In this article, Gordon Wallace and Gail Currie of The Vocational Consulting Group show that the federal government’s employment equity program, introduced in Bill C62 (January 1985), has not reduced the impact of personal injury accidents on plaintiffs’ earning capacity.
  • Selecting the Discount Rate
    • by Christopher Bruce
    • This article completes a two-part series on the discount rate. In this issue, we review a number of different methods for estimating the future discount rate, explain why we prefer one of them over the others, and apply that method to the selection of a 4.25 percent rate.