ACTLA Presentation – Loss of Income for Self-Employed Plaintiffs

Loss of income for self-employed plaintiffs I will briefly discuss the approach that I use to estimate the loss of income for self-employed plaintiffs. Simply determining the true income of a self-employed worker can be challenging, and I will address some of these challenges. I will also discuss some approaches that can be used to […]


D’Amato v. Badger – Complications Arising when the Plaintiff is a Business Partner

In this article Christopher Bruce and Scott Beesley bring clarity to some of the complex issues that surround the loss of income which arises when the proprietor of a small business is injured. In particular, they deal with the situation encountered in the recent Supreme Court decision of D’Amato v. Badger, in which D’Amato was a partner in a small business. The issue of compensation became clouded because D’Amato, through his partner’s generosity, was in receipt of a wage post-accident that exceeded the value of his contribution, given his compromised condition.


Issues in Loss of Income Calculations for Self-Employed Individuals

In this article, Scott Beesley outlines various factors which complicate the assessment of the loss of income for self-employed individuals. After clearly laying out the potential pitfalls in these cases, he reviews a number of approaches which might be employed to maximise the accuracy of these estimates.