J. Scott Beesley, MA

Scott Beesley has a B.Sc. in Physics, and an M.A. in Economics from the University of British Columbia. In addition to writing reports for Economica, he has taught macroeconomics, econometrics and basic statistics courses for the Universities of Calgary and Lethbridge. In 1994-1995 he taught a full set of courses as an economics instructor at the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, BC. Scott has also worked as a roadpainter, truck driver, specification writer, inspector/manager in the electronics industry, and X-ray technician. He was on the executive of the Economics Society of Calgary from 1995-1996 to 1999-2000, acting as seminar chair, secretary and then wise old guy (old wise guy?). In 2003-05 he was an Economics Instructor at The University College of the Cariboo/Thompson Rivers University (TRU). He now lives in Edmonton and still works for Economica, though only part-time. Finally, he likes chess, and used to verge on an “expert” rating on his good days.

email: scott@economica.ca

Scott’s curriculum vitae (a pdf document)