About Economica

Economica is a consulting firm based in Calgary, Alberta, specializing in the provision of expert economic assessment of damages in personal injury and fatal accident litigation. Typically, our role in these matters is to prepare reports in which we offer estimates of either the plaintiff’s loss of income, in personal injury cases or a loss of dependency, in fatal accident cases. In addition to our reports, we offer informal advice to our clients over the phone, by email, or in person. We also provide rebuttal evidence in response to economic opinions prepared by other experts.

Our reports often include estimates of the present discounted value of a plaintiff’s future costs of care, based on the evidence of cost of care experts.

Economica’s economists all have considerable experience testifying as expert witnesses in court. In total, we have testified more than 30 times: in Alberta, British Columbia, and Singapore.

For more information about us and the services we provide, click on the appropriate links. For information about the type of information we like to have in order to prepare our assessments see our checklists.


Economica is staffed by three full-time economists: Derek Aldridge, Kelly Rathje, and Laura Weir, all of whom have Master of Arts degrees in economics. We also hire independent consultants on an “as-needed” basis.

We offer a great deal of experience. Derek has been working in this field since 1995, Kelly since 1999, and Laura since 2006.

Together with the founder of Economica, Christopher Bruce, Kelly and Laura are the authors of Assessment of Personal Injury Damages, 6th Edition, LexisNexis, Toronto, 2019.

The Expert Witness newsletter

We publish a newsletter titled The Expert Witness. The purpose of this publication is to present the results of our research into issues which are of interest to the personal injury litigator. We send the newsletter to more than 1,000 lawyers – mainly in Western Canada, but also to readers in in other provinces and in the United States.

Since we began publishing the newsletter in February 1996, we have published almost 150 articles. Every article from every issue is available on this Web site. If you want to find an article from a specific issue of the newsletter, follow this link. To see a list of all of our articles, sorted by topic, see the articles link.

Contact us

Please contact us by phone or email, to discuss your case and the services that we can offer. Our contact information is below.

Our mailing address:

Economica Partnership
700, One Executive Place
1816 Crowchild Trail NW
Calgary, AB, Canada, T2M 3Y7

Email and phone:

Derek Aldridge: 403-297-0015 • derek@economica.ca
Kelly Rathje: 403-297-0016 • kelly@economica.ca
Laura Weir: 403-297-0010 •  laura@economica.ca